If you tend to drive almost everywhere that you go, you may usually think of injuries suffered in a car accident as injuries that are caused when someone else makes a mistake and hits your vehicle. It seems clear to you that, if they were negligent, that accident and...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
What is bad-faith insurance, and could it hurt your claim?
When you’re hurt in an auto accident and have serious injuries, one of the things you’ll do is make an insurance claim. You might try to claim against your own insurance or look into making a claim against the other party’s insurance. Problematically, some insurance...
How do automotive insurance policy limits work?
You have made payments to a car insurance company since you first purchased a vehicle. Whether you got your license and first car when you turn 16 or later in your twenties, you have probably paid thousands of dollars in premium costs to your insurance provider...
Why do California car crashes sometimes lead to civil lawsuits?
The law requires that every driver in California carry insurance, and many drivers assume that insurance will take care of them after a car crash. In a small number of cases, one of the people affected by a car crash may bring a lawsuit against the driver who caused...