Motor vehicle crashes can lead to a host of catastrophic injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can lead to considerable impacts on a victim’s life. Some of these injuries can affect an individual’s ability to earn a living or enjoy life the way they did before the incident.
TBIs can occur in a variety of ways and can result in various symptoms. Anyone who’s been in a car wreck should know about these injuries so they know when to seek medical care.
What are the symptoms of a TBI?
A TBI can cause a host of symptoms. These can show up at the scene of the crash, but they may not manifest for days or weeks after the crash. Some symptoms to watch for include:
- Headache that doesn’t go away or get better
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Loss of consciousness or coma
- Changes in sleep habits
- Trouble with memory or concentration
Other signs, such as nausea or vomiting, can also occur. Because of this, it’s best for anyone who’s in a crash to get medical care if they notice anything amiss.
What effects can a TBI have on the victim?
A TBI can have effects that range from being unable to care for themselves to not being able to work. All of these can have a significant impact on the victim’s finances. The expenses can be considerable and they come at a time when the person may have a decrease or cessation in their income. This can make it difficult to impossible for them to live the life they deserve.
Victims of these crashes should ensure they get medical care, and they may opt to pursue a claim for compensation against those responsible for their harm. This should include damages for medical care, lost wages and any other expenses they may incur as a result of their injuries. Working with a legal representative can help them to provide an accurate valuation on their claim so they can receive the compensation they’re due for past, current and future costs.